At Syracuse Sports Association, we believe that sports are more than a game—they're a refuge. A chance to escape daily stress, connect with friends old and new, and rediscover the joy of play. Life is tough, but on our fields, life is fun.
Our Commitment to Sportsmanship
Sportsmanship is the cornerstone of what we do. It’s not just about rules; it’s about creating an atmosphere where everyone—players, captains, and referees—can thrive. When we play with respect, lift each other up, and prioritize fun, we build a community that welcomes all.
Every Player, Captain, & Referee is an Ambassador of Fun
Here at SSA, every member holds the power to shape our culture. By bringing positivity, kindness, and good vibes, you’re making SSA better for everyone. It’s simple: the more fun we create, the more our community grows—the more fun we will have.
No Room for Negativity
SSA is a space for joy, not conflict. We will not tolerate behavior that detracts from the camaraderie and escape we all seek. Unsportsmanlike conduct—on or off the field—is a disservice to everything we stand for and won’t be welcomed here.
Let’s build a community worth coming to. Lace up, shake hands, and Let’s play!
1. Fields:
a) The SSA Facility Staff will determine if the fields are playable on a daily basis usually 2 hours before the start of
any game. Sometimes it may be sunny & dry, but the fields are just too wet and mushy to play on. It is advised in
questionable weather situations for teams to call 315-447-5686 or visit
prior to leaving for the field. Players will receive a text and/or email message in the event of a cancellation.
b) Alcohol is allowed but may not be consumed on the field. GLASS BOTTLES ARE NOT ALLOWED. Please clean up
after yourself.
c) Bases are 65 feet apart. Home-run fences are approx. 150’ from home plate.
d) SSA does host leagues at multiple locations, please be aware of any local public or private rules that different
parks may have.
2. Equipment:
a) All games shall be played with an 8.5 inch SSA Official rubber kickball. Kick balls are provided before the start of
each Game. Only official SSA provided kick balls can be used for games. If you would like to purchase a ball for
practice they are $12.00.
b) Metal spikes/cleats are not allowed, NO EXCEPTIONS—rubber / plastic bottomed cleats, turf shoes and sneakers
are allowed. Steal toe Boots, sandals, flip flops, bare feet and all other foot wear will be deemed unsafe, and the
player cannot play in them. If a player is found to be wearing illegal/unsafe foot wear they will be allowed to
change them but.
c) Teams are encouraged to wear matching shirts; either team shirts or shirts that are the same color. Outer wear
is acceptable but please wear your team shirt over it, if possible.
3. Officiating:
a) Teams must pay the umpire $15.00 B & C Divisions—$20.00 A Divisions before the start of play before each
game. Playoff and championship games in all divisions will always have 2 umpires, and teams will have to pay
the umpire $20.00 per game.
b) The umpire’s word is final; there should be no discussion of any judgment calls (out/safe, ball/strike). Any
discussion of an error in applying a rule should be civil; screaming and yelling will not be tolerated.
c) Umpires & Directors may eject players for unsportsmanlike behavior. Any player ejected for any reason must
leave the park immediately and will be suspended for the following 2 weeks games and are subject to league to
fines or re-instatement fee’s before they play in another game. Subs can’t be used for an ejected player. If an
ejected player was subbing with someone, neither player can kick but the non-ejected player can still play in the
field. Any player ejected from League play twice will be suspended for the season. Any unwanted physical
contact with any player, umpire, field monitor or spectator will result in immediate dismissal from the Syracuse
Sports Association for life. Umpires will summon law enforcement & charges will be pressed when necessary.
Ejected players must leave the park immediately. Game will not resume until ejected player has left the park.
d) Any occurrences which are not covered in the rules shall be settled by the Umpire & or Director and noted for
later rule updates.
4. Regulation games:
a) A regulation game shall consist of 8 innings.
b) No new inning shall start after 55 minutes from the scheduled starting time of the game, regardless of the actual
start time. If a game runs late, the next game will still get their full 55 minutes.
c) A game is considered official once the losing team has kicked 4 times.
d) Regular season games may end in ties. If time permits extra innings will be played to break ties. Both teams get
to kick. In extra innings both teams will start with runner on second base. This person is the last person
scheduled to kick.
e) Called games may be played at a future date agreeable to both team captains at a site to be agreed upon. Any
games not re- played shall be counted as a tie in the standings.
f) The “Away” team shall kick first. The “Home” shall kick second and gets last-at-kicks, in any inning. The Home
Team is always listed 2nd on the schedule.
g) Games cancelled due to weather will first be scheduled on the day the league usually plays on. If a make-up
game is not possible on the leagues normal night because of multiple cancellations, the game will be scheduled
for a weekend day. Games may get cancelled indefinitely, no refunds will ever be issued in case of cancellations
due to weather.
5. Number of participants:
a) Roster can hold up to 20 players. All players must join their team through an online e-mail invitation. Rosters
may be updated any time up to week 5; rosters are then closed. All players must play in at least 2 league games
on the same team to be eligible for playoff games.
b) Players may not sub for a division lower than you normally play. For example, a B division player on Wednesday
may not sub in a C division game on Wednesday. C players are allowed to play up. Players can only play on one
team on their night for the playoffs, even if their team is eliminated.
c) B and C division games have a 10 player maximum in the field on defense; this includes a 7 male maximum. “A”
division games have a 9 player maximum, 6 male max. The game will start if both teams meet the 7 player
total/2 female minimum. A team can add late arriving players to the bottom of their lineup as they arrive up to a
maximum of 10. If a team doesn’t meet the 7 player total/2 female minimum after 10 minutes, a forfeit can be
declared. If a team has ten or less players in the lineup, all players must play defense.
d) A continuous lineup is allowed up to 15 players. For example, if you have 12 players at the start of the game, you
may put all 12 in the kicking lineup. At least 3 females must kick in the first 10 spots; if playing with only 2
females, an out is taken no later than the 10th spot in the lineup. Any of these kickers can play in the field at any
time as long as you keep to the 7 male max/ 3 female minimum. IF a player shows up after the game has begun
they can be added to the lineup unless you already have 10 players. Then that player can still play but they have
to play the field first and can only sub for one player already in your line up.
e) There is no male/female kicking order rule other than 3 females must kick within the first 10 spots.
f) A catcher is not necessary for teams with 7 players or less but is necessary with 8 or more players.
g) Players can be substituted for once they have kicked. A kickers spot in the lineup may not change once the game
has started.
h) An ejected player is removed from the game and cannot be replaced with a sub. Whenever it is that person’s
time to kick an out will be called. The team must notify the umpire when this out is to occur or their 1/2 inning
will be over.
i) A 12 run mercy rule will take effect after the losing team has kicked at least 5 times. The home team, if losing,
will always get their kicks in the bottom of the inning.
j) If a team suspects that the other team is using non-roster players they can request the umpire to do a roster
check. The team in question must show their online roster to the umpire (log in on a phone). At this point the
player in question, if before week 5 can be added to the online roster or removed from the lineup. After the first
pitch has been thrown no roster questions will be heard. Any player in the lineup at that time will be considered
a regular for the game.
6. Pitching:
a) B&C Division Pitches: Pitchers are expected to roll pitches underhand and that are easy to kick. Curves, bounces
and excessive speed can make, in the umpire’s judgment, a non-kickable pitch. Unless kicked, the umpire will
call a non-kickable pitch a ball. The umpire will warn any pitcher violating this “easy to kick” rule, and can
remove them from pitching for the remainder of the game
b) A Division Pitches: Pitches can be rolled in any matter, at any speed, except bounciness and as long as they are
underhand. The strike zone in A Division leagues is also extended on each side of home plate.
c) The umpire will determine whether a pitch is “kickable”. As soon as the umpire decides that the pitch is too fast
or bouncy, they will announce “Illegal Pitch” & put their fist out. The kicker now has the option to not kick it and
have a ball called, or kick it, making it a legal pitch, and take the results of the play.
d) Pitcher must pitch within 3 feet of the center of the encroachment line. One step over the line is NOT permitted
as the pitch is released. A multiple step delivery is also not allowed. Once the ball is pitched, the pitcher may not
advance forward until the ball is kicked. Lateral movement by the pitcher is tolerated, as long as there is no
e) A team may give one free-kick to the opposing team per inning; no pitches are required. Any attempt to
circumvent this rule by intentionally pitching poorly will be dealt with as per Rule 6.B.
f) Once the defense is in possession of the ball in the area of the pitchers’ zone and is not making a play OR once
play is over as judged by the umpire time will be called. Base runners can only advance to the bases they were
going to unoccupied.
7. Strikes:
a) B & C Division Pitches: The strike zone consists of home plate along with a line extending approximately 18
inches on both sides of the plate.
b) A Division pitches: The strike zone consists of home plate and the same extended zone.
c) A pitch that crosses any part of the strike zone and meets requirements in section 6 will be called a strike.
d) A ball kicked foul, not kicked beyond the kicker’s line or swung and missed will be called a strike.
e) Kickers can be awarded a strike based on the actions of their teammates.
f) 3 strikes of any kind; kicker is out
8. Balls:
a) A “ball” will be called on any pitch not swung at that does not pass through the strike zone.
b) A pitch not meeting the requirements in Section 6 will be called a ball.
c) Three called balls will result in a free kick. The ball will be placed on or behind the strike line; wherever the
kicker chooses. The kicker must kick a fair ball beyond the kicker’s line or will be called out regardless of the
number of strikes.
9. Foul Balls:
a) Position of the ball when touched, not the position of the fielder– determines fair or foul.
b) As long as the fielder has not touched either the dead ball/out of play line or the ground beyond it they may
make a legal catch of a ball kicked beyond the line. If caught first, the out will count. Once they touch out of
play, dead ball, and one base award.
c) The umpire will NOT say fair, but will point towards fair territory. Foul balls will be verbally called.
10. Play Is Over:
a) There are 3 ways for a play to end:
➢ The umpire decides that no further play will/can happen. Time will be called.
➢ The defense has the ball in the area of the mound and makes no attempt at further action. Time will be
called and runners advancing at this time will be allowed to continue to the base, if unoccupied.
➢ The ball touches or goes beyond the dead ball/out of play line, a player in possession of the ball
touches/goes beyond the dead ball line, or over the fence.
11. Outs:
a) The kicking team gets 3 outs per inning. An out results due to the following:
➢ Three strikes.
➢ A ball caught on the fly.
➢ Base runner is a force out.
➢ Someone called out due to interference or on an appeal.
➢ A missing 3rd female player.
➢ Base runner is hit with ball while not on base, or while on a base if forced.
➢ If a team bunts while up by 5 or more runs.
b) An ejected player will be an automatic out when their spot comes up. You must notify the umpire when their
spot comes up. If you do not notify the umpire it will result in the 1/2 inning being over.
c) A force out involves the fielder touching the base or runner with the ball before the runner reaches the base
that he/she has to advance to. If the 3rd out of the inning is a force out, no runs scored on the play will count.
d) There is no infield fly rule; however we do not allow intentionally dropped balls for the purpose of creating
double plays. For example with a runner on first base, the first baseman drops an easy fly ball, tags both the
runner and base for a double play. Since this violates our good sportsmanship policy, all runners will be called
12. Over throws & Dead Balls:
a) An overthrow is a ball that has been thrown or kicked by the defense, or deflects off a runner, touches or goes
completely beyond the dead ball/out of play line. A dead ball is called. Bases are awarded to the runner as
b) A FAIR KICKED ball that goes out of play: 2 bases from the start of the play for all runners.
c) An overthrow that goes out of play; runners are awarded one base from the last base that they were at. The
direction that they were running does not matter.
d) An intentional overthrow, whether thrown or kicked by the defense, in order to stop runners from advancing: 2
bases from the time that the ball goes out of play.
e) An overthrow out of play at first base on the initial play on the kicker at first base: 2 bases for the kicker, one
base for the other runners at the time that the ball goes out of play.
f) 2 runners between the same 2 bases when the ball goes out of play: award is based on the lead runner; trailing
runner does not push the lead runner.
g) If a caught fly ball is then carried over the dead ball line or the defender touches the dead ball line, the play is
dead. All runners advance 1 base.
13. Appeals:
a) An appeal can be made if a runner misses a base or left early on a caught fly ball. The appeal may be made by
the team captain, only.
b) A “live ball appeal” is made by tagging the base or runner and announcing why you are appealing. Play is live and
runners may advance.
c) A “dead ball appeal” is made after time has been called. Simply announcing the appeal is all that is necessary.
The appeal must be made before the next pitch.
d) An appeal that creates a force out, if the third out will negate any legally scored runs on the play.
e) If the appeal occurs on a tag up play and results in the third out, any legally occurring runs scored before the
appeal will not count.
f) If the appeal is for a runner missing a base, and it's the third out, legally scored runs will count if the appealed
out was not a force out.
14. Fielding:
a) The encroachment line is a straight line running between first and third base. No fielder is allowed over the line
until the ball has been kicked. Once kicked a fielder may advance in an attempt to make a play.
b) If a fielder does encroach and gets an out, the play is dead, kicker awarded 1st base and no out will count.
Forced runners will advance. If no out is made on the initial play, the kicker/runner and any other runners will be
protected only to their base.
c) If the encroaching fielder touches a kicked ball short of the kicker’s line, the kicker will be awarded first base.
d) An encroaching player who does not make a play will be issued a team warning. Any subsequent encroachments
by any team member will result in all runners being safe. Ball must be kicked.
e) All fielders playing in the outfield, must remain in the outfield and may not move towards the infield until the
ball has been kicked. The infield can only have 6 players in it to start any play. Outfield area is approximately
135’ from home plate. (See diagram)
f) Catchers must stand behind or out of the kickers way; any interference will result in the kicker being awarded
first base.
g) Fielders covering first base must be in contact with the white half of the base; stepping only on the orange half
will not count as an out. Collisions should be avoided. If you are not making a play, get out of the way.
h) A fielder without the ball who impedes a runner, with or without contact, is guilty of obstruction. The runner, if
put out, will be safely awarded the base they were heading to. The obstruction call is waved off if the runner had
safely reached the base; they can be put out if they attempt to advance.
15. Homeruns & Fences:
a) Fielders may reach over or jump the fence to make a legal catch as long as they have not touched the ground
out of play. The catch must be maintained once touching the ground for it to count. Any dropped ball beyond
the fence will be considered a home run.
b) Once a legally caught ball is ruled dead beyond the fence, time out is called. The out will count and all runners
will advance one base from the start of the play.
c) A fielder may touch the fence before the catch without penalty. Standing/pushing/significantly leaning on the
fence is not allowed. Any ball caught by a player standing on or significantly leaning on the fence will be called a
home run, no outs will be awarded.
16. Kicking:
a) All teams must have a written line up to start the game. Failure to have it will result in the 1/2 inning to end.
b) Kickers cannot bunt the ball if up by 5 or more runs. A kick, fair or foul, that is designed to barely get past the
kickers line is considered a bunt; the kicker will be called out, all runners return to their original base.
c) While up to kick, if kicking out of order, replace them with the correct kicker; no penalty, keep the ball/strike
d) If the error is discovered after they kick, they are out, all runners return to their original bases.
e) Once the next kicker has completed their turn to kick, the out of order kicker is considered legal with no penalty.
However, if their correct turn to kick comes up and they are on base, leave them on base and an out will be
called in the line-up (just like when playing a female down.)
f) If a kicker kicks the ball before it touches the strike zone line, a delayed dead ball occurs. If the kick results in a
caught fly ball, the out counts; no runners can advance. If not a fly ball out, it is an immediate dead ball; strike
on the kicker.
g) All kicked balls must go completely past the kicker’s line or a strike is called on the kicker. If the ball is touched
by a fielder before it gets past the line; it is a dead ball, strike on the kicker. While attempting to touch the ball, if
a fielder aggressively knocks/kicks the ball out of play or into the backstop or fence whether over the kicker’s
line or not, the kicker is awarded 2nd base; all other runners advance if forced.
h) Base coaches are allowed at 1st and 3rd base, but must stand outside the dead ball/out of play line when a play
is happening. Runners physically assisted by a coach will be called out. If a coach interferes with a fielder
attempting to make an ordinary play, the kicker will be called out.
i) On a play at 1st base, the kicker/runner must use the orange portion of the base. If there is no play at the base,
the kicker/runner may use either side.
j) Sliding, either head or feet first, is allowed at 2nd, 3rd base and home plate. The kicker/runner may not
slide/dive into 1st base on the initial play. Once reaching 1st sliding/diving back into the base is allowed. Kickers
may over run 1st base. Please use caution when sliding.
k) A kicker that intentionally makes contact with his/her fair ball for a second time will be called out; dead ball, all
runners back to their original base. If the intent was to break up a double play, the kicker will be out and the
runner closest to home will be out. Unintentional contact will result in the kicker being called out; play
l) Double kicking the ball during the initial kicking motion will be a dead ball, strike on the kicker.
m) A pinch runner may be used for an injured kicker, the injured kicker must make it to 1st base. The pinch runner
must be the same sex and farthest from being up to kick that inning.
n) If an injured player cannot kick, they can be replaced by a qualified substitute as long as the 7 male max / 3
female minimum is not affected. If no sub is available, the spot in the lineup is skipped. Once skipped in the
lineup, an injured player cannot return to the game. Playing with two females will result in an out every time the
injured female is scheduled to kick.
17. Running:
a) When being played on, a runner may deviate approx. 3 feet on either side of a straight path to the base.
b) Base runners cannot leave their base until the ball is kicked. If the kick is a pop fly and caught, the out will count
and the runners go back to their base and cannot tag up. The defense cannot double up another runner. If the
ball is kicked on the ground or lands then it is an immediate dead ball, strike on the kicker and runners go back
to their base.
c) Runners must touch home plate, not the strike zone line, when scoring. This also applies to fielders making a
play at home.
d) Runners can tag up, at their own risk, once the fly ball has been touched by a fielder.
e) Leaving early on a tag up will result in an out if the defense properly appeals the play; see section 13. Appeals,
for details.
f) A runner passing a runner ahead of them will be called out; play continues.
g) A runner touched by a ball while off base will be called out, with one exception. “Touched” includes throws,
deflections, tags and fair kicked balls. The exception: A runner in an upright position, hit in the head/neck area,
will be called safe and awarded the base they were going to. They play may be called dead due to player safety.
No head Shots. However, if runner slides and is hit above the neck play counts.
h) A runner, while on base, touched with the ball is safe unless they were forced to advance.
i) Intentional contact with the ball by a runner results in a dead ball. The runner is out and other runners return to
their starting base; a strike is called on the kicker. If the intent was to break up a double play, the runner closest
to home will also be called out.
j) Verbal Interference (screaming drop it or anything next to the fielder) is a serious violation of our sportsmanship
rule. If a runner does this, they are out and other runners return to their original bases; strike on the kicker. If it
is a coach, fan or team bench, the kicker is out, and everybody back. A second infraction will result in ejection.
18. Obstruction /Interference/Collisions:
a) During play, players must make every effort to avoid physical contact with the opposing team. Any intentional
contact will result in an ejection by the offender.
b) Interference is called when a runner makes contact with a fielder about to make a play on the ball. This is the
only time that a fielder is allowed in the base line. The play is dead; the offending runner is out, all other runners
return to their last base. Verbal interference is also not allowed; see rule 17-J.
c) On a play at first base, if an errant throw forces the fielder into foul territory, any contact will be ruled
obstruction. If the contact occurs in fair territory, this is interference; runner is out.
d) Any collisions at home plate that are avoidable by the runner in the umpire’s judgment may result in an
automatic out or ejection.
e) Obstruction is called when a fielder, NOT about to make a play on the ball, impedes the runner. There does not
have to be contact; slowing them down or making them go around the fielder is still obstruction. The play is live.
If the runner is put out, dead ball; they will be called safe and awarded the base that they would have safely
19. Forfeits:
a) Teams forfeiting games will receive a loss in the standings, receive 0 Runs Scored and 8 Runs allowed for the
final score and will reflect in the standings accordingly.
b) Things come up and we understand, therefore if a forfeit is unavoidable please notify us 6 hours before the start
of the game by simply a Call/Text 315-447-5686. You can also email [email protected]— but you must get an
email/text back confirming your forfeit. Please include your name, team name and game day/time in this
c) Teams will be responsible to pay a 30.00 (regular season) and 40.00 (playoffs) forfeit fee to the league before
they play in the next game if we are not notified.
d) Teams that forfeit 3 games will be removed from the league, no refund will be issued.
20. Schedule & Standings:
a) Team schedules & Standings are always posted online at
b) The bottom team listed is the home team.
c) Team standings are updated daily/as we get scores and are always online at
d) Standings tie breakers are as follows: Wins– Loss– Head to Head—Runs Scored– Runs Allowed– Alphabetical
21. Scores:
a) We now have two options for reporting scores:
b) Scores can also now be updated right on your player page.
c) The winning or home team must submit their score online at within 24 hours of game
completion. Scores not submitted within 24 hours of the last regular season game will be considered a tie game.
22. Protests:
a) A game may be played under protest. This can only occur if there is a direct contradiction of the playing rules &
that contradiction 100% affected the outcome of the game. Protests must be brought to the official immediately
and before a new pitch.
b) Every attempt should be made to resolve the issue on the field. Officials should review a copy of the rules to
verify the rule in question. This should clear up the problem in most cases.
c) If either captain still deems that a protest is warranted, the following information must be gathered:
➢ Exact line up from both teams.
➢ The inning the game is in at the time of protest.
➢ Time remaining in the game.
➢ Pitch count on the current kicker.
➢ Position of any base runners.
➢ The number of outs.
➢ Score.
➢ Brief explanation.
d) Both captains must sign the lineup sheets. Once the info is gathered the game can be finished. The protest info
will be submitted to SSA Directors, reviewed and a decision will be rendered. If the protest is denied, the result
of the game will stand. If the protest is confirmed the game will be re- started from the point of the protest and
23. Roster / Waivers:
a) All players must read and comprehend the rules. All players must furnish their information on the team’s online
waiver/roster, all players MUST furnish their email address and phone numbers. Any player that is found to be
playing and not on that team’s specific waiver/roster, will not be allowed to play the remainder of the game.
b) In order to be eligible to play in a game you must be on the online roster. Captains are responsible for
completing the online roster.
c) It is the captain’s responsibility to see that all forms are completed by their team. All forms are always at
1. Field
a) All games are played at CNY Family Sports Centre, 7201 Jones Rd, Syracuse NY 13209
b) Bases are approximately 60 feet apart.
c) ALCOHOL is NOT allowed inside the Syracuse Indoor Sports Center, and is grounds for ejection.
2. Equipment:
a) All games shall be played with an 8.5 inch Official rubber kickball and is provided before the start of each game.
b) Metal spikes are STRICTLY PROHIBITED! All Fields feature Play-field Turf
3. Officiating:
a) All games will have 2 umpires. Teams will need to pay the umpire $20.00 before the start of play before each game.
Umpires are SSA Professionals.
b) Please Respect the umpires and their calls.
c) Umpires, directors and facility owners may eject players for unsportsmanlike behavior. Any player ejected for any
reason will be suspended and is also subject to fines and/or re-in statement fees. Any player ejected from a game twice
will be suspended for the season. Any unwanted physical contact with any player, umpire, field monitor or spectator will
result in immediate dismissal from SSA for life.
d) Any occurrences which are not covered in the rules shall be settled by the Umpire & Field Monitor and noted for later
rule updates. Players will remember we are all out here for fun. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.
4. Regulation games
a) A regulation game shall consist of 7 innings or a time limit of 45 minutes.
b) The umpire or director may call a game due to time; an inning may not reasonably be completed before the 45 minute
time limit. As such, an inning cannot begin 40 minutes after the games start time unless the score is tied.
c) A game is considered official once 4 full innings have been completed.
d) Regular season games may end in ties. If time permits, umpires and directors may grant additional innings. During the
playoffs, the winner shall be determined by whoever wins the next full inning (both teams get at-kicks).
e) In playoff and tournament situations, each team shall play short one fielder for each inning beyond 7, in boy, girl
order. For example, a team in the 10th inning must take two male and one female off the field. This is for defense only;
players can still kick in their respective slot in the line-up. Called games shall be played at a future date agreeable to both
team captains at a site to be agreed upon. Any games not replayed shall be counted as a tie in the standings. The
“Away” team shall kick first. The “Home” shall kick second and gets last-at-kicks, in any inning.
5. Number of participants
a) Rosters may hold up to 15 players. Just like outdoor as long as all 15 players are present at the start of the game they
may all get added to the kicking line up.
b) A maximum of 8 and a minimum of 7 players can be on the field for the fielding team of which at least 3 must be
female. Teams may play with 2 females but must take an out every time she would have come up in the lineup. It is up
to the team with the missing player to notify the umpire when she should have kicked. Failure to notify the umpire will
result in the ½ inning being over. (A 5 male Maximum in the field)
c) A catcher is not necessary for teams with less than 8 players.
d) There is no boy/girl kicking order rule. Players can kick in any order.
e) Teams with fewer than 7 players shall have a 10 minute grace period before a forfeit is declared a forfeit.
f) Teams are allowed 1 female and 1 male sub for the session. This sub must be declared by the team captain before
the 1st game of week 1. Declared subs do have to pay a fee (Fee may vary session to session and will be specified at
the beginning of each session by the league owner)
6. Other General Rules
a) Bunting is allowed, there is no kick line. When I team is up 5 no more bunting is allowed, just like outdoor.
b) Balls are live off walls, netting etc.
c) If a ball gets caught up in the net or any other objects then it is a dead ball and everyone gets base they were
headed to.
d) Catchers can run up with kickers but must start behind the kicker and stay clearly out of the kicker’s way.
e) Encroachment line is not painted but is still enforced. This is an imaginary line between First and Third base.
f) Mercy Rule is 12 runs after 4. Losing team gets last up.
g) Any other rules not addressed here default to our regular outdoor rules where applicable.
1. Court:
a) The court is divided into approximately two 30' X 30' areas, for a total court length of 60' from end line to end
line, and a total width of 30' from sideline to sideline.
b) Approximately 2'-3' should be allotted for an out of bound area, allowing officials to move freely along the
c) The Queue for each team is a 3' X 12' area, and should be located 2'-3' from the sideline, leaving enough room
for an official to move free along the sideline. The Queue line is always on the left side of the court.
d) Every effort should be made to obtain the correct dimensions. However court size may be adjusted to
best suit the available space.
e) Please clean up after yourself. ALCOHOL is NOT allowed in the facility. If you are found with Alcohol you
will be ejected.
2. Equipment:
a) 6 balls spaced evenly along the center court line.
3. Players:
a) Teams consist of six (6) players with up to four substitutes. Coed teams may consist of either gender; a
minimum of 1 female must start on the court for all matches. A loss will be awarded to theteam without a female
for each game she is missing, regardless of the actual game result.
b) Substitutions must be made prior to the start of the game. No substitutions can be made during a game,
except in cases of injury.
4. Retrievers:
a) Retrievers are individuals designated to retrieve balls that go out of play. Teams are responsible for providing
retrievers. A maximum of 4 retrievers are allowed for all matches. Any additional teamplayers/spectators are not
allowed on the playing field. Some locations may not be suitable for using retrievers.
b) Retrievers may not enter the court at any time. Retrievers must be declared to the officials prior to the start of
each match.
c) Retrievers are only allowed to field balls from their side of the court.
d) Players that get out may be used as additional retrievers. Players standing in the Queue line may put balls back
in play only if the ball is near them and completely out of play. A player reaching into play to get a ball will be
moved to the end of the line and the ball will be sent to the other side. A ball on a line is a live ball and considered
in play.
5. Matches:
a) A regulation match consists of 7 games lasting up to 5 minutes in length. All games get played and count
towards a running total for the season and will be used for tie breaker scenarios for playoff seeding.
b) Games are played until:
➢ All opponents on one side have been eliminated. The first team to eliminate all its opponents is
declared the winner.
➢ The 5 minute game clock expires. A regular season game can end in a tie.
➢ During the playoffs games must have a winner. If tied, a 2 minute overtime will be
played. Each side will put in 1 girl and 2 guys to start each overtime.
6. Beginning of Play:
a) Play begins with all players positioned with one hand/palm touching the back wall.
b) The Rush occurs at the beginning of each game or reset.
c) Upon the official's signal, both teams rush to center court and attempt to retrieve as many balls
as possible.
d) A team may rush with as many or as few players as it wants, but at least one person from each
team has to Rush. If no one rushes then the captain is out.
e) There is no limit to how many balls an individual player may retrieve.
f) Players may not slide or dive head first into the center line or they will be called out. Crossing
over/ touching the center line will result in an "out."
g) Players may not physically grab, or touch any another player across the center line or prevent
them from returning to their side of the court. Both players that are fighting for control of a ball
during a rush will both be called out. A player reaching over the line; grabbing at or swatting a ball
will be called out.
h) A player throwing a ball before bringing it back after the rush will be called out.
7. Putting a Ball in Play:
a) The ball & players body must go completely behind attack line, During the Rush, any ball
retrieved from the center line must be returned behind the attack line before it may be thrown at
an opponent. A ball that hasn't crossed attack line is considered a dead ball, any hits or catches are
voided plays. The player throwing it will be called out.
b) There are several ways to put a ball into play following a Rush.
c) A player carries the ball across attack line.
d) A player passes the ball a teammate who is behind the back line.
e) A player rebounds the ball off the back wall of a closed court.
f) Intentionally kicking a ball; anytime during a match, you are out. Exception: teammates using
their feet to direct a ball on the ground to another teammate will not be penalized.
g) Rolling the ball to opponents does not count as a throw.
8. Time Outs / Stoppage of Play:
a) There are no team time outs.
b) Only officials may stop play for any but not limited to the following reasons:
c) Injury
d) Any Call clarification or reversal. If the match has to stop because a player keeps arguing a call
then that player will be called out.
e) If the horn sounds signaling the end of the match and a ball is in the air, the result of that throw
9. Outs:
a) Your hand is considered part of the ball.
b) A player shall be deemed "out" when a live ball hits any part of the player's body, clothing, or
uniform other than the hand holding the ball.
c) If a player is hit by a live ball rebounding off another player.
d) A defending player catches a live ball they have thrown.
e) Players shall return from the Queue in the order they were put "out" (i.e. first "out," first "in").
f) If a player does not immediately exit the court after getting hit then the captain is out, if the
captain is out then another male player must go out.
g) If a player reaches over or touches the center line or side line, for any reason they are out. A ball
on the line may be picked up.
h) A player must be standing in the Queue line to be eligible to return upon a caught ball.
i) A player hit by a thrown ball is allowed to catch that ball before it is touched by another player
or touches the floor, ceiling or walls. The player hit remains in the game, the thrower is out.
j) Dodgeball games are fast paced and spirited. Players are expected to exhibit good
sportsmanship at all times. A player should call themselves out if they feel that the officials missed
k) Players that behave poorly will be called out even if they were not hit with the ball and are out
for the rest of that game. Multiple removals for poor sportsmanship can result in ejection for the
rest of the night.
10. Blocking:
a) Players can defend themselves by blocking the ball in flight with another ball but must retain
control of the ball they are blocking with. A player dropping or losing possession of the blocking ball
is deemed "out." Ball must touch the floor to be considered losing possession.
b) Any blocked ball rebounding off another ball is considered live. Any player hit by the rebounding
ball is deemed "out."
c) If a player catches a teammate’s blocked ball then the thrower is out.
11. Stalling:
a) The act of intentionally delaying the game. A player may only hold the ball for 7 seconds.
b) If a referee determines by a 7 second count that a player or team is stalling, the player(s) will be
called out. If both teams are stalling a reset (RUSH) should occur.
12. Throwing:
a) Male players can NOT throw the small orange ball at female players. Male players will be called
out. Female players can throw it at female or male players. If the small ball hits a female player
unintentionally or off another player then she is out.
b) An acceptable throw is one that crosses the center line and lands in the vicinity of a player. If a
player does not make an acceptable throw they will lose all the balls on their side.
13. Out Of Bounds Rule:
a) If any part of the player's body touches the side line or center line; player shall be deemed
b) A player may not reach over the sidelines or center line to retrieve a ball, if they do they are out.
A ball resting on the line can be retrieved by a player.
14. Headshots:
a) A headshot occurs when a player is hit directly in the head/face by a high thrown ball. A player
ducking, sliding, diving or anything else besides a standing position is not considered a head shot. A
deflected ball is not considered a head shot.
b) Any thrower committing a headshot will be out and cannot return until the next game. 2
head/face shots and the thrower is out for the rest of the match, not just the current game.
15. Uniforms:
a) The SSA does not allow players to wear gloves during play.
b) Matching shirts are required with a number on the front & back.
16. Rosters:
a) The All players playing in any game must be on the teams online roster form. Any player found
not on the roster cannot play the remainder of the game.
17. Scores:
a) Teams must submit their score online to or
email [email protected] within 24 hours of completion of the game.
1. (8) Starters (Indoor & Outdoor) Team may play with (6), opposing team may play (7) maximum. Roster size (18)
2. Regular players must play (5 Outdoor) (4 Indoor) regular season games, IR replacements must play (4 Outdoor)
(4 Indoor) regular season games in order to be eligible for playoffs
3. IRs need to be submitted no less then (24) hrs prior to game time. Captains need to submit a completed IR
Request Form and send to League before IR replacement can be used. Captain can no longer send just email
with IRs and Replacements name and number. The IR Request Form must be used. The IR Request Form can be
found under the rules section of website and will also be sent out in email
the first week.
4. All players must be recorded on the online roster with their legal first and last name which is also the waiver
form before they are allowed to participate. Any form of violation of this could result in a forfeit of the game.
Roster protest should be brought to the head official at the start of the game however if any of these rules are
found in violation at any point, the game could result in a forfeit.
5. Designated team areas are between the (20) yard lines, (2) yards off the sideline. This area may include (2)
6. Spectators’ area is (5) yards from the sideline and not in the team area. (Indoor): Spectators are not allowed on
the Field. (Outdoor): Spectators are not allowed on the inner sidelines and must stay on the outer sidelines (5)
yards back from the sideline. (1) photographer per team is allowed in the inside sideline only and must stay
between the (20) yard line markers
7. Forfeits: Teams that forfeit must give (24) hrs notice. If officials are at the field and any team forfeits then they
are responsible for both team Referee fees which will be due the following week.
1. All players are required to wear shoes or cleats (Indoor & Outdoor) No metal cleats.
a. Depending on the indoor facility, they may not allow cleats (Hopkins Rd and Jones Rd does allow cleats)
2. Towels may be worn by the Quarterback and Center only and must be tucked in the back. If a Quarterbacks’
towel is pulled by a defensive player, he will be down.
3. Flag must not be covered by the jersey. The team will get (1) warning then a (10) yard penalty will be called.
OFFICICAL FLAG FOOTBALL RULES email: [email protected]
4. Any knots on the flag belt will result in unsportsmanlike conduct, (15) yard penalty, and ejection from the game.
5. Teams must use SSA provided Flags unless approved by the league. Flag – A – Tag flag belts and Champ Pro are
the only flag belts and flags that are approved by SSA to use.
6. Teams must wear same jersey with a number on the back (By week #2) After Week #2, if anyone is without the
same jersey and not wearing the team primary color (picked at registration) will result in a (15) yard penalty
when the opposing team wishes to enforce it except on the final play of the game. Team captain is the only
player who can call this penalty. If a player is without a number on the back of their shirt they will not receive
stats for that game. The number has to be the same number after week #2. If a player changes their number
after week #2, they will only receive stats for the original number given and will not receive stats for the new
number. (Make sure the number you are going to be is correct by week #2).
7. When wearing hoodies, your jersey must be worn over the hoodie
1. Game clock starts at the 5 minute mark past game time if team is late. If you do not have minimal amount of
players on the field at the 10 minute mark after game time and clock has started, game will be considered a
forfeit. Forfeiting team will be responsible for both team Referee fees which will be due the following week.
2. Captains meet at midfield for the coin toss. Visiting team calls first, whichever team wins the toss has the option
of taking the ball or deferring to the second half. The team that losses the toss has the choice of the ball or
3. Officials Fees are due at Coin Toss or the game does not start.
4. Games shall consist of:
• (2) 20 minute halves (Indoor)
• (2) 22 minute halves (Outdoor)
• Outdoor games may be shortened on account of the weather and is at the head referee and League
5. (2) Time outs per half with no carryover (Indoor & Outdoor)
6. Half Time:
• (2) Minutes Indoor
• (5) Minutes Outdoor
7. Mercy Rule: If a team is up by (19) points or more with (2) Minutes or less left in the game, the game will be
8. (2) Minute Warning (Second Half Only)
• Clock will stop on the following:
• Incomplete Pass
• Penalties
• Play ends out of Bounds
• Touchdowns
• Safeties
• Touchbacks
• Referee’s Time out under (2) minutes in the second half: the clock will start on the whistle.
• Under (2) minutes in the second half: If the offense commits a dead ball penalty with the game clock
running and no timeouts, there will be a (10) second run off. The clock will start on Whistle
• Inadvertent Whistle: Team with ball may take ball at spot when whistle blew or replay the down. Clock
starts on Whistle
• If team with ball consumes time illegally, there will be a (10) second run off or use a time out. Clock will
start on the snap.
9. First Half of games, clock only stops for Timeouts or Injuries
• Injury timeout, clocks start on Whistle
10. Play clock is (25) seconds and starts when ball is potted and head official blows his whistle. Officials try to give a
little more time outdoors due to the heat. Official will yell “10 seconds” then chop his hand. Delay of game will
be called if ball is not snapped.
1. Field size (Outdoor) 80x40, (10) yard. End zone yard lines every (10) yards (Markers placed every 20 Yards)
2. Ball will be placed on the (20) yard line to start the game and after touchdowns, touchbacks unless there is a
3. Team has (4) plays to gain a first down: (40) yard line then (20) yard line the first and goal (Indoor& Outdoor)
4. (Outdoor): If a team declares a punt they must punt: (they have (2) options)
▪ Kick the ball
▪ Walk off (20) yards- other teams ball
o Kicking the Ball (Free Kick)
▪ No rush or release until the ball is kicked
▪ Kicking team must have (4) players on the line
▪ Receiving team must have (5) players on the line, drop (3) players
▪ Receiving team must catch the ball in the air or (1) bounce in order to return it
▪ If the ball hits the ground twice, you cannot return the punt and the ball will be spotted where it
stops rolling or it is first touched
▪ Any muffed punt will be blown dead and spotted where it hit the ground
5. (Indoor): Teams have (3) options on Fourth Down
▪ Go for first down
▪ Walk off (20) yards
▪ Control Punt: Opposing teams (20) yard line
1. When flag is pulled, play is dead and the ball is spotted where players lead foot is.
2. If flag falls off, player only needs to be touched with 1 hand to be down
3. Defense may leave their feet to pull flag
4. Ball becomes dead when:
o Flag is pulled
o Ball hits the ground
o Ball carrier falls to the ground and is touched, If not touched, he may get up and run
o A snap from the center hits the ground, ball is dead
5. If a defender throws a flag: 1st offense will be a delay of game (5) yard penalty; 2nd offense will be a
unsportsmanlike conduct penalty
6. OFFENSE (8 Players All Must Wear Flags)
1. (3)-Ineligible linemen
2. (5)- eligible players
3. Must have (4) players on the line of scrimmage
4. All blocking will be with open hands between shoulders and waist
5. All eligible players must have flag on at the snap. If an offensive player comes in possession of the ball without
any flags, play is dead on spot
6. Running Plays:
o Runners can’t jump or dive (may jump if there is a fallen player in front of them only)
o Runners can’t run over defensive player, must try to avoid or a penalty will occur
o Runners can crow hop
7. Receivers only need to have (1) foot in bounds on catches
8. Ball is dead if it hit the ground
9. If backwards pass hits the ground it is considered a fumble and ball is spotted where it hit the ground
10. Quarterback may jump to throw a pass as long as he is not trying to avoid a flag pull. If he jumps he must throw
the ball or it’s a penalty
11. You may substitute players anytime between plays
12. Offensive players may not use their shoulders or forearms to block, this will result in a penalty
13. If football is tipped or fumbled into the air, the play is live and ball may be advanced as long as ball does not
touch the ground
14. (Indoor): Passes hitting or skimming the net the play being dead and will be a down count.
15. A catch shall be deemed if the following occurs:
o Must have possession with (1) foot or body part on ground.
o If player dives to catch ball, he must maintain control of the ball. If the ball is moving and touches the
ground, it will be an incomplete pass.
16. Defensive players may not punch or strip the ball once a receiver has possession with (1) foot or body part on
17. If defensive player punches or strips ball after possession by offensive player, a penalty will be called and tacked
on to the end of the play. The play will count(Next down)
18. Quarterback may not use his non-throwing hand to stiff-arm or shield his flag when a defensive player is rushing.
If this occurs, play will result in a penalty and loss of down
19. Tackle Eligible Play (lineman must have flag belt on to run this play). Running back must line up directly behind
tackle and step up and take his place after the snap. (he is now ineligible). If the lineman does not have flag belt
on it will result in a penalty and loss of down. Officials must be notified.
20. Ball carrier may not grasp a teammate when running with the ball. Teammates may not push or pull runner. If
this occurs, it will result in a penalty
21. If ball carrier is breaking free at mid field or in and is held with no defenders in front of him, Officials may award
a touchdown.
22. If receivers go out of bounds on their own, they may not be the first to touch the ball. If a receiver is pushed out
of bounds, they must immediately come back inbounds and may be the first to touch the ball.
23. Screen passes and passes behind the line of scrimmage, receivers may only be (1) yard downfield and blocking
before the ball is thrown. Players more than (1) line downfield and blocking before the ball is thrown will result
in penalty and loss of down unless the ball is caught behind the line of scrimmage.
24. Receivers may cover up other receivers and is still an eligible player, there is no penalty
7. DEFENSE (8 Players All Must Wear Flags)
1. (3) Linemen: Must be heads up with offensive Linemen until ball is snapped
2. Defensive players may not use their shoulders or forearms when rushing. If this occurs, will result in a penalty
3. Linebackers may not be in the “A” gaps at the snap. If this occurs, will result in a penalty
4. Defensive players rushing must use open hands between shoulders and waist. Anything above the shoulders or
below the waist will result in a penalty.
5. Defensive players may leave their feet to pull a flag but must be going for a flag or a penalty may be thrown
6. Defensive players rushing the Quarterback may not make contact with his throwing arm even if the ball is
tipped. If this occurs, roughing the passer penalty will be called with an automatic first down.
7. Defensive players rushing the Quarterback may not run into the Quarterback and knock him to the ground. If
this occurs, roughing the passer penalty will be called with automatic first down.
8. If the Quarterback is outside of the pocket and contact is made other than with his arm, it will be the head
officials’ discretion if there was unnecessary contact made.
9. On backwards double passes, the player with the ball is considered the Quarterback and is still protected with
roughing the passer calls.
10. Defensive backs are allowed (1) chuck within (5) yards. Any hand contact after that will result in a penalty. (If ball
is thrown to that wide receiver)
11. Knocking receivers to the ground or into the wall with excessive force may result in a penalty
12. Once receiver has possession of the ball, you must go for his flag. If you push him to the ground or out of
bounds, play will result in a penalty. (Player can be ejected if force was excessive)
13. Any contact to a player’s head, neck or below the waist will result in a penalty. (May not punch or strip ball once
offensive player has control of the ball)
14. Defensive players may not yell, scream, or clap their hands to try and get offense to false start.
15. Defensive players may not intentionally trip a player. If this occurs, will result in a penalty
16. When a Quarterback is throwing the ball and his arm is going forward, if a flag is pulled it will not be a sack. The
ball is considered out of his hand
17. If defensive player comes in possession of the ball without any flags, play is dead on spot
1. When the team that is losing scores when there is (2) minutes or less left and are down less than (19) points,
they may declare an on-side kick
2. They get (1) play starting at the (20) yard line to get to the (40) yard line. (Clock is stopped).
o If they get passed the (40) yard line the play is blown dead. They keep the ball and it will be placed on
their (20) yard line and be first down(Clock will start on snap)
o If they don’t get passed the (40) yard line, the other team gets the ball on the (40) yard line
3. If the losing team scores again but are still down by less the (19) points and there is still time left on the clock,
they may declare another on-side kick.
1. Regular season games that are tied at the end will result in a tie game
2. Team captains meet at midfield for a coin toss, visiting team calls toss, winner of the toss has choice of offense,
defense or direction
3. Each team gets (1) timeout per overtime period
4. Each team gets (1) possession from the (20) yard line ((4) downs)
5. If the defense intercepts the ball they may return it, if they score and takes the lead, the game will be over
6. If the first team that has the ball does not score and the second team scores on their possession, the game is
7. If the score is tied after the first overtime, the team that was on defense will get the ball first. The same goes for
the second overtime.
8. For the third overtime period, teams must go for (2) points on the extra point try
9. For the fourth overtime period, teams get (1) possession to score, this process will continue until the game is
1. Touchdown: (6) points
2. Extra Point Tries:
o Indoor
▪ (5) yard line: (1) point
▪ (10) yard line: (2) points
▪ (15) yard line: (3) points
o Outdoor
▪ (5) yard line: (1) point
▪ (10) yard line: (2) points
▪ (20) yard line: (3) points
3. Any try intercepted and returned by the defense: (3) points
4. Safety: (2) points
o Offense penalty in the end zone
o Ball snapped out of the back of end zone
o Ball hits the ground in the end zone
o Ball carriers flag is pulled(Both feet must be in the end zone)
5. If the player with the ball has (1) foot out of the end zone, ball will be placed there
1. Team captains are responsible for the conduct of their players and spectators.
2. If captains cannot defuse the situation, then the officials will and penalties will occur at their discretion
3. Any fighting will result in ejections and possible game over
4. Unsportsmanlike conduct penalties will be discussed by the officials. Their decision is final
5. League may enforce fines and length of suspension at their discretion
6. Teams that are arriving with a game still in progress, please stay out of the team area (see team area in Team
Requirements section)
7. Players are responsible to wear flag belts. Please see Offense section and Defense section for specifics
8. Spectators’ area is (5) yards from the sideline and not in the team area. (Indoor): Spectators are not allowed on
the Field. (Outdoor): Spectators are not allowed on the inner sidelines and must stay on the outer sidelines (5)
yards back from the sideline. (1) photographer per team is allowed in the inside sideline only and must stay
between the (20) yard line markers
(5) Yard Penalties
o Covering flag with jersey ( Loss of Down)
o Delay of Game
o Illegal Snap
o False Start
o Encroachment (Off sides)
o Illegal Formation (Offense must have (4) on line)
o Illegal Forward Pass (Spot Foul, Loss of Down)
o Helping The Runner (Runner may not hold teammate or be pushed or pulled forward)
o Ineligible Lineman Down Field (Pass plays)
o Illegal Motion ((2) or more players moving at once)
o Illegal Shift (Players must be set for (1) second before snap)
o Illegal Substitution (To many players on the field or offense breaks huddle with to many players)
o Illegal Defense (Linemen must be heads-up)
o Illegal Contact (May not contact receiver beyond (5) yards before the ball is thrown. Officials Discretion)
o Defensive Hold (Holding receiver beyond (5) yards before ball is thrown, holding lineman who is run blocking) Automatic first down(Both officials discretion)
o Illegal Touching (Loss of down)
➢ Offensive lineman touches pass at line
➢ Offensive lineman downfield touches the ball
➢ Receiver going out of bounds on his own may not be the first to touch the ball
** Receiver pushed out of bounds must immediately return to the field in order to be the first to
touch the ball
o Sideline warning (Players outside of team area or on field when they are out of the game)
o Disconcerting Acts (Defense clapping, yelling, screaming and so forth trying to simulate a snap)
o Intentional Grounding (Spot Foul, Loss of Down) Quarterback outside of pocket, the ball must cross the
line of scrimmage. If the Quarterback intentionally throws the ball out of bounds to avoid a sack, a
penalty will be thrown
(10) Yard Penalties
o Receiver pushing off or knocking defender down
o Offensive Pass Interference (Loss of Down)
➢ Crossing routes may not contact defender
o Receivers blocking downfield on a pass play
o Offensive Holding
o Illegal Stripping or Punching Ball out (Automatic First Down)
o Charging (Loss of Down) Ball carrier must try to avoid the defender
o Blocking In The Back is the Following:
➢ Blocking outside of the tackle box
➢ Blocks that start in the front and players disengage then player finishes with a block in the back
➢ Blocks that start and finish in the back, outside of the tackle box
➢ Blocks that start in the front, lineman stays engaged then the block finishes in the back (Is NOT a
➢ Defenders turning their back during the block (Is NOT a penalty)
o Flag Guards are as follows: (Loss of Down)
➢ Jumping, diving, hurdling
➢ Stiff Arms
➢ Chopping or Swatting defenders hand
➢ Blocking flag with ball or hand
➢ Leaving Feet (Both feet off ground)
o Holding Ball Carrier ((10) Yards added to the end of play, not a first down)
o Illegal Use of Shoulders or Forearms (If first contact with opponent is made with either)
o All contact is made with open hands between shoulders and waist
➢ (15) Yard Penalties
o Illegal Jersey (Wrong primary color (1) time penalty that opponent (captain only) may enforce anytime
during the game except for last play of game)
o Sideline Interference (Contact with official)
(15) Yard Personal Foul Penalties
o Roughing The Passer (Automatic First Down)
o Chop Block (Loss of Down)
o Hands to the Face: Offense (Loss of Down)
o Hands to the Face: Defense (Automatic First Down)
o Pass Interference: Defense (Spot Foul, First Down)
o Tackling Ball Carrier (Automatic First Down)
o Pushing Ball Carrier out of bounds (First Down)
o Block below the waist (Loss of Down)
o Illegal Participation: Offense (Loss of Down) To many players on the field and they participate in the play
o Illegal Participation: Defense (First Down) To many players on the field and they participate in the play
o Roughing Center (First Down)
➢ If a player hits the center before the ball is snapped
o Late Hits: Offense (Loss of Down)
o Late Hits: Defense (First Down)
o Hits made out of bounds or after whistle (Officials Discretion)
o Tripping (intentionally) Offense: (Loss of Down) (Officials Discretion)
o Tripping (Intentionally) Defense: (First Down) (Officials Discretion)
➢ (15) Yard Unsportsmanlike Conduct
o These are calls after the whistle has been blown. IF the conduct was excessive, players may be ejected at
the officials discretion
o Any player who receives (2) unsportsmanlike flag in (1) game will be ejected and must leave the field
area immediately. Player will be contacted by the league for further instructions.
➢ Spiking the ball towards opponent
➢ Excessive yelling and swearing
➢ Illegal Flag Pull (Before player has the ball)
➢ Taunting (Any personal words towards opponent)
➢ Intentional Contact with Official
➢ Fighting (Any punches players are ejected)
Game Time:
1) For game times and league details. Start Dates etc. please refer to the Flag Footballhome page.
2) Each game consists of Two 25 min halves with a five min halftime. Each team gets 2 timeouts each
half and clock only stops under 2 min of the second half for out of bounds, dead balls, change of
possession, some penalties and incomplete passes.
3) Time outs DO NOT carry over.
4) A Coin toss determines first possession, home team calls heads or tails.
5) The scheduled game time is Start time. If a team does not have a full roster at start timethey are
allotted a 10 min grace period. If grace period has expired and the team still does not have enough
players than a forfeit is awarded.
1) Full roster can consist of 10 players. A starting lineup is 5 players, 1 center (snaps theball and
then is eligible)
2) Only players on the online roster are permitted to play. Captains it is your responsibilityto have
your online roster filled out 24 hours prior to week one. Rosters will lock 24 hours prior to week one
and at that time no new players are allowed to be added.
3) After week one teams are allowed 2 Injured Reserve (IR) spots. An IR spot allows thecaptain to
replace a player that is either hurt or can no longer play the season with a new player. This must
be done by emailing the league directly 24 hours before gametime.
1) Outdoor games are played at Syracuse Sports Associations Kickball Park on Rt 57 inLiverpool.
Indoor Games are played at one of the indoor centers.
2) Field size is approximately 40 yards including end zones. End zones are 10 yards
General Game Play/Rules:
2) Once a team enters the no run zone they must pass the ball across the goal line to get
out. (The offense cannot back out of the no run zone with a penalty or a loss of yardage)
3) The offensive team takes possession at its own 5 yard line and has 4 downs to score.
4) If the offensive team fails to score then the opposing team takes possession at their own
5 yard line.
5) Offense has 25 seconds to hike the ball and 7 seconds to get past the line of scrimmage
once the ball is snapped.
6) The snap must be between the legs.
7) Snap may be taken under center or long snapped. (shotgun)
8) Center sneaks are not allowed.
9) If snap is miss handled or dropped on the ground it is a dead ball and loss of down.
10) Once the ball touches the ground it is a dead ball where it lands. (no fumbles)
11) The quarterback cannot run with the ball unless blitzed.
12) A player handed the ball behind the line of scrimmage may still pass the ball forward.
13) All players are eligible to receive a pass.
14) All passes must be forward.
15) Shuffle and underhand passes are allowed as long as they are forward.
16) Screen passes are allowed.
17) Spin Moves and juking are allowed.
18) Jumping or diving to avoid a flag pull is illegal.
19) Jumping or diving to score is illegal.
20) Interceptions are live and may be returned.
21) Fumbles are dead balls and spotted where the ball hits the ground.
22) All players where a flag
23) Dead balls – A play is over when:
A) 7 second clock expires.
B) Ball carriers flag is pulled.
C) Ball carrier is out of bounds.
D) The Ball Carriers Knee of body touches the ground.
E) A fumble or incomplete pass.
F) A touchdown is scored.
➢ TOUCHDOWN - 6 points
➢ 1 – Point (pass only from the 5 yard line)
➢ 2 – Points (Run or pass from the 12 yard line)
➢ 2 – Points plus possession
18 Point Rule:
1) If a team is behind at halftime by 18 points, that team shall start with the ball regardless
of the coin toss.
1) No set formation is required
2) Quarterback cannot run, unless blitzed.
3) Only one player at a time is allowed in motion. (No forward motion)
4) A player handed the ball behind the line of scrimmage may still pass the ball forward,
however once the ball is handed off any defensive player may cross the line of
scrimmage (rush)
5) Downfield blocking is allowed.
6) Downfield screens for the ball carrier are allowed and crossing patterns are allowed.
7) Picks are not allowed.
8) Runners shall not flag guard by using their hands, arms or the ball to deny the
opportunity for opponents to pull or remove the flag.
Flag Guarding includes:
1) No Stiff Arms
2) No lowering the shoulder
3) No swinging of hands or arms to cover or deny the defender from grabbing a flag.
4) No covering the flag with the ball or an untucked jersey. Flags must be accessible for
the defender to grab.
1) No set formations are required.
2) Defense may rush as many players as they wish, however any player wo wished to rush
the passer must line up 7 yards off the line of scrimmage and signal to the official that
they are eligible.
3) Once the ball is handed off all defensive players may cross the line of scrimmage
regardless of where they lined up.
4) Defense may not bump the receivers at/off the line of scrimmage.
Basic/Common Penalties:
1) Illegal Motion – 5 yards and replay down
2) Illegal Pass – 5 Yards and loss of down
3) Illegal Run – 5 yards and loss of down (QB Run or no Run zone infraction)
4) Illegal offensive contact – 7 yards from spot and loss of down. (Blocking, Holding,
Picks, Screens, Running into the defender)
5) Flag Guarding – 7 yards from the spot and loss of down
6) Leaving Feet – 7 yards from spot and loss of down
7) Offensive Pass Interference – 7 yards from spot and loss of down
8) Defensive Pass Interference – Spot foul and automatic first down.
9) Offside – 5 yards and replay down
10) False Start – 5 yards and replay down
11) If Def intercepts the ball and then commits a penalty, the penalty will be a spot foul
with no loss of down.
12) Illegal Rush – 5 yards and replay the down.
13) Illegal defensive contact – 7 yards from the spot and first down. (tackling, Holding,
bumping, tripping, running into a player or anything else that in the officials’ judgment
they deem illegal)